Artwork Auction LOT 7
Artist: Kelli Sharp
Title: Morning Play With Tata Anđelić  Old House & Park, Pre Symposium, 2004

Date: 2006
Medium: Original Diptych Artwork on Photo Print Paper No Frame - from Flow Exhibition 2006, Cullity Gallery, UWA
Artwork Size: 2 x A1

Artist Statement:
Every morning Tata Anđelić & I would wake up at the same time, early morning just after sunrise (everyone else slept till noon) and drank very strong coffee that he prepared, in silence looking over the Adriatic Sea. Tata had little English and I had only two words of Croatian. I would start the day with ‘Dobra Dobra’ and he would reply ‘yes good, good’! It was our way of communicating, over coffee, content, calm & happy, awake in the silence. 

Just ease and breath…I would play with the needles fallen from the tree onto the white tablecloth thinking about what art I would do for House & Park. Playing, playing and thinking morning after morning. I would turn to him and say ‘I have nísta ?!’ ‘Still nothing’ every morning. 

He then pointed to my little crawling pine needles I had been playing with and said ‘Art’ ‘Dobro’ I laughed and said ‘Yes you are right! Dobro!’ Thank you.