Artwork Auction LOT 24
Artist name: Dennis and Michelle Kickett
Title: Djilba

Artist Profile Links:
Michelle Kickett
Dennis Kickett

Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 300 mm x 400 mm

Description: Djilba the season of conception occurred during the August and September when the second rains appeared. This season was a transitional time of the year when the warmer weather emerged and Meen and djakat (roots) were collected. Weitch (emus), Quenda, Koomal (possums) and Yonga (kangaroos) were hunted. This season was also the biggest flowering period of the year when the wildflowers appeared in abundance and included the acacias, grass trees etc. The woodlands birds also became protective such as the willy wagtails, wattlebirds and magpie who fiercely guard their hatchlings.