60th Venice Biennale | 2024

The Shipping Project - Perth Creative Hub ~ 2024 to 2027

Working to be located @ The Perth Cultural Centre or Oxford Street Leederville.

Activating & Connecting West Australian Artists & Creatives with likeminded Individuals & Arts Communities Glocally!

The Nomadic Party & Passport - 60th Venice Biennale 2024 Venue: Spazio Punch (Giudecca, Venice, Italy) https://www.spaziopunch.com/about by Nine DragonHeads



Spazio Punch Gallery, Guidecca, Venice Floor Plan


60th Venice Biennale | 2024

20th April, 2024 to 27th November 2024 ON NOW

Nine Dragon Heads at the 60th Venice Biennale, presenting a new project in the program of Parallel Events

IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION - StudioZer0 Art were invited as a collaborator to this amazing event which included 8 Australian Artist. Over the previous 18 months we all worked very hard to fundraise to participate. Multiple federal & State Grant applications sadly none of which were successful! We also had further fundraising campaigns such as ACF (Australian Cultural Fund) and Exhibitions of artworks donated by all artist involved. Again unfortunately none were successful to enable any StudioZer0 Artist to participate. Regardless we continue to work towards a better Art Culture in Western Australia and the Eastern States to activate and support Australian artist to participate in these amazing events. We haven’t given up yet…. In the meantime we celebrate the huge success of the Nine Dragon Heads Nomadic Party Exhibition which just opened on the 20th April, 2024 at the Venice Biennale 2024.

Serious shoutout to ALL NDH Artist participating and the extraordinary talent and efforts of NDH Founder & Director Park Byoung-Uk ‘Your our Hero Parkey with the strength of the Dragons heart’ 🙏 We so thank you for the opportunity and we look forward to joining you hopefully on the next NDH Exhibition, Biennale and/or Symposium. We can’t wait to see what happens next 🙏

SEE FB page for all updates from park Byoung-Uk https://www.facebook.com/byounguk.park.1