Linked Objects 2020 (The Pandemic Lockdown)

by Nine Dragon Heads

Linked Objects a contiplation by Park Byoung-Uk

As we know from science bats generally live in groups as colonies, however, the disease that allegedly came from them sent almost all mankind into lockdown at the beginning of 2020 for 6 weeks!

At first it was only self-isolation for those who may have had contact with the Corona Virus or those travelling across different borders. Even then to most the guidelines in the beginning seemed harsh for those who had never even encountered an epidemic. So for the majority of the global population a Pandemic seemed ‘impossible’. This is even though Infectious Disease Scientists all over the globe had been warning the World Wide Health for over 20 years ago, especially after SARS, that it was when, not if, that a pandemic would eventually come!

On the backdrop of numerous blind spots concerning a miracle vaccine for the first strain of the coronavirus (COVID-19), self-isolation was seen as one of the proven measures in fighting the pandemic that had already claimed the lives of more than 80 000 people worldwide.

We say that digital communication made the world smaller meaning that we are interconnected through our avatars in the virtual world. What the outbreak of the COVID-19 clearly showed is that we are not only connected through our corpreal bodies we are just as connected in our digital ones too.

This bond turned out to be no less solid or mutually influential than any ‘going viral’ or ‘gone viral’ World Wide Web experience.

Today, in the lockdown, linked to each other not only through social networks, messengers and emails but also the shared fears and the hopes for the medical treatment that will bring us rapid change back to normality.

We did our best to understand and assess the situation we found ourselves in, however in that first long tiresome year, for most it seemed evasive…In our bizarre life-saving encapsulation, on the background of numerous questions and expectations, we attempted to cope with separation, staying and being still and our non-interaction with the outside world which seemed through portholes to be on one very long continuous ‘still frame’. In this world that felt as though it was on pause it felt especially challenging for most creative communities and especially for NDH artist and other artists working in similar conceptual manner to Nine Dragon Heads Artist, we all felt with a very different tone, isolated!

NDH Artist were mostly familiar with working in post-studio, experimental or performative modes of art-practice whose activity and creative impulse has always been linked to travel, close contact with nature, research, exhibitions and other NDH Artist. Whilst mostly itinerant in nature it was these regular gatherings and events at various corners of the globe and inspirational encounters with thought-provoking people and places in the physical that inspired our arts

‘Art is the best means to reflect on or at least represent emotions, feelings and thoughts in every possible life situation and so too in the current lockdown situation as well.’ Park says!

‘The project "Linked Objects" is an offer to meditate on our interconnectedness in times of isolation and forceful separation in the condition similar to what German-Swiss psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers calls a ‘limited situation’. The term describes the situations that disturbs us, forces us towards somewhat alternative self-identifications, eliminates us from social connections, obliges us to survive and forces us to seek sometimes what seems like in alarming ways of communication.’

In the electronic world, on the one hand, the linked object is an object such as artworks or graphics etc., which is included within a document in such a way that it is linked to the source file, so that whenever the source changes, ’The Object’ automatically updates!’

"Linked Objects" is initiated by the International Environmental Art Symposium Nine Dragon Heads' a collection of artist across the globe together with Korean artists.

These project comprises of a number of exhibitions, symposiums and a conference dedicated to the wider perception of the COVID-19 consequences in a contemporary culture of art and other art events observing and responding to the micro and macro influence of outbreak.

This is a collection of experimental short videos from NDH Artist across the globe done whilst in lockdown and where the personal, public spaces and also the political collide.

Linked Objects like the virus went old school viral and has now exhibited across the globe in 8 different location.

Linked Objects like the virus went old school viral and has now exhibited across the globe in 8 different locations.

Linked Objects Exhibitions To Date

Gallery " Palace de Soul" ( Seoul, Korea ) Artisterium ( Tbilisi. Georgia)

Space "Tigrapher " ( Jeju, Korea ) Quratair Initiative ( Haag, The Netherlands)

Cheongju Museum of Art ( Cheongju. Korea ) Sarajevska Zima ( Sarajevo. BOSNIA)

Avalanche Art Space ( Massachusetts. USA) Jura platz ( Biel/Bienne. SWISS)

SELECTED Video Works from Linked Object 2020


Object of My Gaze 2020 by Kelli Sharp, Perth Western Australia


Pandemic Thru 2020 By Park Byoung-Uk

Observation 2020 by Lois Schenk, Perth Western Australia


FOREIGNER EVERYWHERE 2024 - Emu Ridge Kangaroo Island SA


Linked Objects II (In Solidarity to the Ukraine) 2022 Artisterium, Tibilsi Georgia