Artist: Lois Schenk
Title: HASHEM ‘This is not my Dreaming!’

Dimensions: W230 x H300mm x D38mm

Artist Statement

It is my personal observation that feeling “foreign everywhere” might just be a common experience of human being-ness in a world of spiritual conflation, mass migration and cultural integration.
Poles of opposition and inclusion can seem somehow comforting and enmity inevitable.

“This is not your Dreaming”

This work is a call for the activation of profound Hope along the pathways of lamentation and prayer.  
Hope of Divine intervention, Sublime Redemption and Highest Revelation.

Artist Bio: Lois Schenk comes to art as a medium for prayer, worship and memorial.  She utilises materials as substances of meaning, considers her practice a site for personal and collective reflection and creates installations that are essentially ephemeral.

Lois has exhibited in small galleries and public spaces in WA and the Republic of Korea.  She represented StudioZer0 Art Inc. at a recent gathering in Venice with international environmental arts organisation Nine Dragon Heads.