Artwork Auction LOT 33
Artist: Lois Schenk
Title: Peg In A Safe Place 2012

Artist Statement:

This photo documents an installation in Perth in 2012 that registered a very current and ongoing prayer for spiritual wellbeing.

An ancient Biblical metaphor for such spiritual security was the idea of household vessels being hung up on a deeply set peg built high into the wall of a home. The peg was appropriately positioned and singularly strong enough to ensure that there would be no accidents that cause breakage.

Many precious vessels could be hung on such a peg or beam.

This work leans into that concept to expresses a prayer calling for a profoundly faithful and true premise for our lives: Strong enough to bare the weight of Life’s complex responsibilities and high enough to overcome Darkness’s very real possibilities..

As a prophetic metaphor of Hebrew origin, this concept hails the Messianic hope of One person who is specifically appointed and anointed lto bare such weight and offer such spiritual refuge.

Photo Print on Heavy Cotton Photo Paper A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm) Limited Edition 1/5